Thursday, January 14, 2016

AFC West Starting Quarterback Changes

Denver Broncos (1960-2016):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Frank Tripucka1960 - 1 (1)1961 - 3 (3)17ineffective5-11-1
George Herring1961 - 4 (4)1961 - 4 (4)1ineffective0-1
Tripucka 21961 - 5 (5)1961 - 11 (11)7ineffective2-5
Herring 21961 - 12 (12)1961 - 14 (14)3signed with CFL Calgary Stampeders0-3
Tripucka 31962 - 1 (1)1962 - 4 (4)43-1
George Shaw1962 - 5 (5)1962 - 5 (5)11-0
Tripucka 41962 - 6 (6)1963 - 2 (2)11"retired";
signed with CFL Saskatchewan Roughriders
Mickey Slaughter1963 - 4 (3)1963 - 4 (3)1ineffective1-0
John McCormick1963 - 5 (4)1963 - 6 (5)2injured left knee1-1
Slaughter 21963 - 7 (6)1963 - 9 (8)3ineffective0-2-1
Don Breaux1963 - 10 (9)1963 - 10 (9)1ineffective0-1
Slaughter 31963 - 11 (10)1963 - 11 (10)1ineffective0-1
McCormick 21963 - 13 (11)1963 - 13 (11)1injured left knee0-1
Slaughter 41963 - 14 (12)1963 - 15 (13)2dislocated shoulder0-2
Breaux 21963 - 16 (14)1963 - 16 (14)1Lee loaned by Oilers to Broncos for two years0-1
Jacky Lee1964 - 1 (1)1964 - 7 (7)7ineffective (lost 40-7)1-6
Slaughter 51964 - 8 (8)1964 - 8 (8)1ineffective 10-1
Lee 21964 - 9 (9)1964 - 11 (11)31-2
Slaughter 61964 - 12 (12)1965 - 3 (3)6ineffective1-4-1
McCormick 31965 - 4 (4)1965 - 4 (4)11-0
Slaughter 71965 - 5 (5)1965 - 5 (5)10-1
McCormick 41965 - 6 (6)1965 - 7 (7)21-1
Slaughter 81965 - 8 (8)1965 - 9 (9)2torn muscles in right shoulder0-2
McCormick 51965 - 10 (10)1965 - 11 (11)2*1-1
Slaughter 91965 - 13 (12)1965 - 13 (12)1separated left shoulder0-1
Lee 31965 - 14 (13)1965 - 14 (13)10-1
McCormick 61965 - 15 (14)1965 - 15 (14)10-1
Slaughter 101966 - 1 (1)1966 - 1 (1)10-1
McCormick 71966 - 3 (2)1966 - 7 (6)5ineffective1-4
Max Choboian1966 - 8 (7)1966 - 15 (13)73-4
Scotty Glacken1966 - 16 (14)1966 - 16 (14)1Broncos traded with Chargers for Tensi0-1
Steve Tensi1967 - 1 (1)1967 - 5 (5)5injured leg1-4
Jim M. LeClair1967 - 6 (6)1967 - 6 (6)1*0-1
Tensi 21967 - 8 (7)1967 - 10 (9)3bruised shoulder0-3
LeClair 21967 - 11 (10)1967 - 11 (10)1*0-1
Tensi 31967 - 12 (11)1967 - 16 (14)4broken collarbone in 1968 preseason2-2
McCormick 81968 - 2 (1)1968 - 2 (1)1ineffective; released two days later0-1
LeClair 31968 - 3 (2)1968 - 4 (3)2ineffective0-2
Marlin Briscoe1968 - 5 (4)1968 - 5 (4)1*1-0
Tensi 41968 - 6 (5)1968 - 11 (10)6broken collarbone3-3
Briscoe 21968 - 12 (11)1968 - 15 (14)4held out during 1969 training camp1-3
Tensi 51969 - 1 (1)1969 - 2 (2)2bruised knee2-0
Pete Liske1969 - 3 (3)1969 - 3 (3)1*0-1
Tensi 61969 - 4 (4)1969 - 13 (13)10ineffective2-7-1
Liske 21969 - 14 (14)1970 - 7 (7)85-3
Tensi 81970 - 8 (8)1970 - 9 (9)2irritated right shoulder0-2
Liske 41970 - 10 (10)1970 - 11 (11)2ineffective1-1
Chuck Pastrana1970 - 12 (12)1970 - 14 (14)3waived in 1971 preseason0-2-1
Don Horn1971 - 1 (1)1971 - 9 (9)9separated right shoulder2-6-1
Steve Ramsey1971 - 10 (10)1972 - 5 (5)10ineffective3-7
Charley Johnson1972 - 6 (6)1974 - 4 (4)27injured12-12-3
Ramsey 21974 - 5 (5)1974 - 5 (5)1*1-0
Johnson 21974 - 6 (6)1974 - 13 (13)8meaningless game5-3
Ramsey 31974 - 14 (14)1974 - 14 (14)1*0-1
Johnson 31975 - 1 (1)1975 - 6 (6)6sore back3-3
Ramsey 41975 - 7 (7)1975 - 11 (11)5ineffective2-3
John Hufnagel1975 - 12 (12)1975 - 12 (12)1ineffective0-1
Ramsey 51975 - 13 (13)1976 - 12 (12)14ineffective (3 of 12, 2 interceptions)8-6
Craig Penrose1976 - 13 (13)1976 - 14 (14)2Broncos traded Ramsey to Giants for Morton2-0
Craig Morton1977 - 1 (1)1978 - 4 (4)21injured neck17-4
Norris Weese1978 - 5 (5)1978 - 5 (5)1*1-0
Morton 21978 - 6 (6)1978 - 6 (6)1ineffective20-1
Penrose 21978 - 7 (7)1978 - 7 (7)1*1-0
Morton 31978 - 8 (8)1978 - 9 (9)2injured groin1-1
Penrose 31978 - 10 (10)1978 - 10 (10)1*0-1
Morton 41978 - 11 (11)1978 - D (17)7lost 1979 training camp battle4-3
Weese 21979 - 1 (1)1979 - 6 (6)6hyperextended left knee4-2
Morton 51979 - 7 (7)1979 - WC (17)11Broncos traded with Jets for Robinson6-5
Matt Robinson1980 - 1 (1)1980 - 6 (6)6ineffective3-3
Morton 61980 - 7 (7)1980 - 15 (15)9slight muscle pull in forearm;
meaningless game
Robinson 21980 - 16 (16)1980 - 16 (16)1*1-0
Morton 71981 - 1 (1)1981 - 11 (11)11sprained right shoulder8-3
Steve DeBerg1981 - 12 (12)1981 - 12 (12)1*0-1
Morton 81981 - 13 (13)1982 - 11 (3)7ineffective3-4
DeBerg 21982 - 12 (4)1982 - 16 (8)5ineffective;
meaningless game
Mark Herrmann1982 - 17 (9)1982 - 17 (9)1traded to Colts as part of package for Elway
(1983 #1 overall)
John Elway1983 - 1 (1)1983 - 5 (5)5ineffective2-3
DeBerg 31983 - 6 (6)1983 - 10 (10)5separated left shoulder4-1
Elway 21983 - 11 (11)1983 - 11 (11)1flu0-1
Gary Kubiak1983 - 12 (12)1983 - 12 (12)1*1-0
Elway 31983 - 13 (13)1983 - 16 (16)4*2-2
DeBerg 41983 - WC (17)1983 - WC (17)1traded to Buccaneers0-1
Elway 41984 - 1 (1)1984 - 1 (1)1separated left shoulder1-0
Kubiak 21984 - 2 (2)1984 - 2 (2)1concussion0-1
Elway 51984 - 3 (3)1984 - 8 (8)6bruised right shoulder6-0
Kubiak 31984 - 9 (9)1984 - 9 (9)1*1-0
Elway 61984 - 10 (10)1987 - 2 (2)45strike30-14-1
Ken Karcher1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 6 (5)3strike ended2-1
Elway 71987 - 7 (6)1988 - 7 (7)20sprained right knee/ankle13-7
Kubiak 41988 - 8 (8)1988 - 8 (8)1*0-1
Elway 81988 - 9 (9)1989 - 10 (10)18stomach virus12-6
Kubiak 51989 - 11 (11)1989 - 11 (11)1*1-0
Elway 91989 - 12 (12)1992 - 11 (10)52bruised right shoulder29-23
Tommy Maddox1992 - 12 (11)1992 - 15 (14)43*0-4
Elway 101992 - 16 (15)1994 - 14 (13)32strained muscle behind left knee17-15
Hugh Millen1994 - 15 (14)1994 - 15 (14)1*0-1
Elway 111994 - 16 (15)1994 - 16 (15)1strained muscle behind left knee0-1
Millen 21994 - 17 (16)1994 - 17 (16)1*0-1
Elway 121995 - 1 (1)1996 - 14 (13)29strained hamstring20-9
Bill Musgrave1996 - 15 (14)1996 - 15 (14)1*0-1
Elway 131996 - 16 (15)1998 - 3 (3)26pulled hamstring20-6
Bubby Brister1998 - 4 (4)1998 - 5 (5)2*2-0
Elway 141998 - 6 (6)1998 - 9 (8)3pulled rib muscles3-0
Brister 21998 - 10 (9)1998 - 11 (10)2*2-0
Elway 151998 - 12 (11)1998 - SB (19)9retired7-2
Brian Griese1999 - 1 (1)1999 - 8 (8)8sore right shoulder2-6
Chris Miller1999 - 9 (9)1999 - 11 (11)3*2-1
Griese 21999 - 13 (12)2000 - 3 (3)8torn cartilage in right shoulder4-4
Gus Frerotte2000 - 4 (4)2000 - 4 (4)1*0-1
Griese 32000 - 5 (5)2000 - 11 (10)6separated right shoulder4-2
Frerotte 22000 - 12 (11)2000 - 16 (15)5*4-1
Griese 42000 - 17 (16)2000 - 17 (16)1injured right shoulder1-0
Frerotte 32000 - WC (17)2000 - WC (17)1*0-1
Griese 52001 - 1 (1)2001 - 13 (13)13concussion7-6
Frerotte 42001 - 14 (14)2001 - 14 (14)1*0-1
Griese 62001 - 16 (15)2002 - 11 (10)12sprained left knee8-4
Steve Beuerlein2002 - 12 (11)2002 - 13 (12)2*0-2
Griese 72002 - 14 (13)2002 - 16 (15)3sprained left knee1-2
Beuerlein 22002 - 17 (16)2002 - 17 (16)1Broncos signed Plummer as free agent1-0
Jake Plummer2003 - 1 (1)2003 - 5 (5)5broken left foot4-1
Beuerlein 32003 - 6 (6)2003 - 7 (7)2broken pinkie on right hand1-1
Danny Kanell2003 - 8 (8)2003 - 9 (9)2*0-2
Plummer 22003 - 11 (10)2003 - 16 (15)6largely meaningless game 
(Broncos had already clinched wild card)
Jarious Jackson2003 - 17 (16)2003 - 17 (16)1*0-1
Plummer 32003 - WC (17)2006 - 12 (11)47ineffective;
Cutler 2006 #11 overall
Jay Cutler2006 - 13 (12)2008 - 17 (16)37traded to Bears for Orton17-20
Kyle Orton2009 - 1 (1)2009 - 10 (9)9injured left ankle6-3
Chris Simms2009 - 11 (10)2009 - 11 (10)1*0-1
Orton 22009 - 12 (11)2010 - 14 (13)19bruised ribs5-14
Tim Tebow2010 - 15 (14)2010 - 17 (16)3lost 2011 training camp battle1-2
Orton 32011 - 1 (1)2011 - 5 (5)5ineffective1-4
Tebow 22011 - 7 (6)2011 - D (18)13Broncos signed Manning as free agent;
Tebow traded to Jets
Peyton Manning2012 - 1 (1)2015 - 10 (9)62partially torn plantar fascia in left foot47-15
Brock Osweiler2015 - 11 (10)2015 - 17 (16)7ineffective45-2
Manning 22015 - D (17)2015 - SB (19)3retired3-0
Trevor Siemian2016 - 1 (1)2016 - 4 (4)4separated left shoulder4-0
Paxton Lynch2016 - 5 (5)2016 - 5 (5)1
Siemian 22016 - 6 (6)2016 - 12 (11)6sprained left foot3-3
Lynch 22016 - 13 (12)2016 - 13 (12)1
Siemian 32016 - 14 (13)2016 - 17 (16)41-3
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Lee entered the game down 42-10 with 9:35 left in the 3rd quarter; the Broncos fumbled on the goal line on what would have been the go-ahead touchdown with 3:33 left in the game.
2 Weese dislocated his right kneecap in the same game.
3 Maddox alternated with Shaun Moore for nearly every play in both the Week 15 and 16 games.
4 Manning made the first and only relief appearance of his 18-year career in a comeback win against the Chargers in Week 17.

Dallas Texans (1960-1962) / Kansas City Chiefs (1963-2015):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Cotton Davidson1960 - 1 (1)1960 - 12 (11)11injured5-6
Hunter Enis1960 - 13 (12)1960 - 13 (12)1*1-0
Davidson 21960 - 14 (13)1961 - 1 (1)3ineffective2-1
Randy Duncan1961 - 3 (2)1961 - 3 (2)11-0
Davidson 31961 - 4 (3)1961 - 7 (6)42-2
Duncan 21961 - 8 (7)1961 - 8 (7)10-1
Davidson 41961 - 9 (8)1961 - 15 (14)7Texans signed Dawson as free agent;
Davidson traded to Raiders week after 1962 season started
Len Dawson1962 - 1 (1)1963 - 10 (9)24ineffective;
"shake up team"
Eddie Wilson1963 - 11 (10)1963 - 11 (10)1*0-0-1
Dawson 21963 - 13 (11)1965 - 4 (4)2212-9-1
Pete Beathard1965 - 5 (5)1965 - 5 (5)11-0
Dawson 31965 - 6 (6)1965 - 6 (6)10-1
Beathard 21965 - 7 (7)1965 - 7 (7)10-1
Dawson 41965 - 8 (8)1968 - 9 (9)46bruised thigh32-12-2
Jacky Lee1968 - 10 (10)1968 - 10 (10)1*1-0
Dawson 51968 - 11 (11)1969 - 2 (2)7torn left MCL6-1
Lee 21969 - 3 (3)1969 - 3 (3)1broken ankle0-1
Mike Livingston1969 - 4 (4)1969 - 8 (8)5*5-0
Dawson 61969 - 9 (9)1969 - 12 (12)4bruised left knee3-1
Livingston 21969 - 13 (13)1969 - 13 (13)1*1-0
Dawson 71969 - 14 (14)1970 - 3 (3)7injured right knee4-3
Livingston 31970 - 4 (4)1970 - 5 (5)2*2-0
Dawson 81970 - 6 (6)1971 - 13 (13)22meaningless game
(Chiefs had already clinched division)
Livingston 41971 - 14 (14)1971 - 14 (14)1*1-0
Dawson 91971 - D (15)1972 - 3 (3)4bruised ribs2-2
Livingston 51972 - 4 (4)1972 - 5 (5)2*1-1
Dawson 101972 - 6 (6)1972 - 14 (14)9sore thumb5-4
Livingston 61973 - 1 (1)1973 - 1 (1)1*0-1
Dawson 111973 - 2 (2)1973 - 7 (7)6injured shoulder/heel3-2-1
Livingston 71973 - 8 (8)1973 - 14 (14)7*4-2-1
Dawson 121974 - 1 (1)1974 - 2 (2)2ineffective1-1
Livingston 81974 - 3 (3)1974 - 8 (8)6ineffective2-4
Dawson 131974 - 9 (9)1974 - 14 (14)6lost 1975 training camp battle2-4
Livingston 91975 - 1 (1)1975 - 1 (1)1injured breast bone0-1
Dawson 141975 - 2 (2)1975 - 3 (3)2*0-2
Livingston 101975 - 4 (4)1975 - 9 (9)6torn knee ligament4-2
Dawson 151975 - 10 (10)1975 - 12 (12)3broken right thumb1-2
Tony Adams1975 - 13 (13)1975 - 14 (14)2Dawson retired after 1975 season*0-2
Livingston 111976 - 1 (1)1977 - 5 (5)19ineffective5-14
Adams 21977 - 6 (6)1977 - 7 (7)2ineffective1-1
Livingston 121977 - 8 (8)1977 - 13 (13)6ineffective1-5
Adams 31977 - 14 (14)1977 - 14 (14)1*0-1
Livingston 131978 - 1 (1)1978 - 5 (5)5ineffective1-4
Adams 41978 - 6 (6)1978 - 7 (7)2ineffective0-2
Livingston 141978 - 8 (8)1979 - 2 (2)11ineffective4-7
Steve Fuller1979 - 3 (3)1979 - 7 (7)5ineffective3-2
Livingston 151979 - 8 (8)1979 - 9 (9)2ineffective0-2
Fuller 21979 - 10 (10)1980 - 13 (13)20torn cartilage in right knee9-11
Bill Kenney1980 - 14 (14)1981 - 13 (13)16ineffective110-6
Fuller 31981 - 14 (14)1981 - 16 (16)3lost 1982 training camp battle1-2
Kenney 21982 - 1 (1)1982 - 11 (3)3ineffective1-2
Fuller 41982 - 12 (4)1982 - 14 (6)3ineffective0-3
Kenney 31982 - 15 (7)1983 - 16 (16)19broken right thumb in 1984 preseason8-11
Todd Blackledge1984 - 1 (1)1984 - 7 (7)7*4-3
Kenney 41984 - 8 (8)1984 - 10 (10)3concussion; injured shoulder/back/ankle1-2
Blackledge 21984 - 11 (11)1984 - 11 (11)1*0-1
Kenney 51984 - 12 (12)1985 - 6 (6)11injured shoulder/back/ankle6-5
Blackledge 31985 - 7 (7)1985 - 7 (7)1*0-1
Kenney 61985 - 8 (8)1985 - 11 (11)4injured shoulder/back/ankle0-4
Blackledge 41985 - 12 (12)1986 - 7 (7)12ineffective7-5
Kenney 71986 - 8 (8)1986 - 13 (13)6bruised right hand3-3
Blackledge 51986 - 14 (14)1986 - 14 (14)1*1-0
Kenney 81986 - 15 (15)1986 - 16 (16)2strained right index finger/bruised right thumb2-0
Blackledge 61986 - WC (17)1987 - 2 (2)3strike1-2
Matt Stevens1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 5 (4)2injured shoulder0-2
Doug Hudson1987 - 6 (5)1987 - 6 (5)1strike ended0-1
Kenney 91987 - 7 (6)1987 - 9 (8)3ineffective0-3
Frank Seurer1987 - 10 (9)1987 - 11 (10)2ineffective0-2
Kenney 101987 - 12 (11)1988 - 2 (2)7ineffective3-4
Steve DeBerg1988 - 3 (3)1988 - 7 (7)5ineffective1-3-1
Kenney 111988 - 8 (8)1988 - 10 (10)3ineffective0-3
DeBerg 21988 - 11 (11)1989 - 3 (3)9ineffective4-5
Ron Jaworski1989 - 4 (4)1989 - 6 (6)3sprained right knee1-2
DeBerg 31989 - 7 (7)1989 - 8 (8)2ineffective1-1
Steve Pelluer1989 - 9 (9)1989 - 11 (11)3sprained right knee1-1-1
DeBerg 41989 - 12 (12)1991 - 15 (14)36ineffective24-12
Mark Vlasic1991 - 16 (15)1991 - 16 (15)1sprained left knee0-1
DeBerg 51991 - 17 (16)1991 - D (18)3Chiefs signed Krieg as Plan B free agent2-1
Dave Krieg1992 - 1 (1)1992 - WC (17)17Chiefs traded with 49ers for Montana10-7
Joe Montana1993 - 1 (1)1993 - 1 (1)1injured right wrist1-0
Krieg 21993 - 2 (2)1993 - 2 (2)1*0-1
Montana 21993 - 3 (3)1993 - 5 (4)2injured left hamstring2-0
Krieg 31993 - 6 (5)1993 - 6 (5)1*1-0
Montana 31993 - 7 (6)1993 - 9 (7)2injured left hamstring1-1
Krieg 41993 - 10 (8)1993 - 12 (10)3*2-1
Montana 41993 - 13 (11)1994 - 13 (12)21sprained foot13-8
Steve Bono1994 - 14 (13)1994 - 15 (14)2*0-2
Montana 51994 - 16 (15)1994 - WC (17)3retired2-1
Bono 21995 - 1 (1)1996 - 13 (12)29ineffective21-8
Rich Gannon1996 - 14 (13)1996 - 16 (15)3pulled hamstring1-2
Bono 31996 - 17 (16)1996 - 17 (16)1Chiefs signed Grbac as free agent;
Bono released
Elvis Grbac1997 - 1 (1)1997 - 10 (9)9broken left collarbone7-2
Gannon 21997 - 11 (10)1997 - 16 (15)6*5-1
Grbac 21997 - 17 (16)1998 - 1 (1)3separated right shoulder2-1
Gannon 31998 - 2 (2)1998 - 5 (5)4*3-1
Grbac 31998 - 6 (6)1998 - 10 (9)4ineffective0-4
Gannon 41998 - 11 (10)1998 - 16 (15)6concussion2-4
Grbac 41998 - 17 (16)2000 - 12 (11)28sore right index finger15-13
Warren Moon2000 - 13 (12)2000 - 13 (12)1*0-1
Grbac 52000 - 14 (13)2000 - 17 (16)4signed with Ravens as free agent;
Chiefs traded with Rams for Green
Trent Green2001 - 1 (1)2006 - 1 (1)82concussion44-38
Damon Huard2006 - 2 (2)2006 - 10 (9)8*5-3
Green 22006 - 11 (10)2006 - WC (17)8traded to Dolphins4-4
Huard 22007 - 1 (1)2007 - 10 (9)9ineffective4-5
Brodie Croyle2007 - 11 (10)2007 - 12 (11)2deep bruise in lower back0-2
Huard 32007 - 13 (12)2007 - 13 (12)1*0-1
Croyle 22007 - 14 (13)2008 - 1 (1)5separated right shoulder0-5
Huard 42008 - 2 (2)2008 - 2 (2)1ineffective0-1
Tyler Thigpen2008 - 3 (3)2008 - 3 (3)1ineffective0-1
Huard 52008 - 4 (4)2008 - 5 (5)2*1-1
Croyle 32008 - 7 (6)2008 - 7 (6)1injured right knee0-1
Thigpen 22008 - 8 (7)2008 - 17 (16)10Chiefs traded with Patriots for Cassel;
Cassel sprained left knee in 2009 preseason
Croyle 42009 - 1 (1)2009 - 1 (1)1*0-1
Matt Cassel2009 - 2 (2)2010 - 13 (12)27emergency appendectomy12-15
Croyle 52010 - 14 (13)2010 - 14 (13)1*0-1
Cassel 22010 - 15 (14)2011 - 10 (9)13broken right hand6-7
Tyler Palko2011 - 11 (10)2011 - 14 (13)4ineffective1-3
Kyle Orton2011 - 15 (14)2011 - 17 (16)3*2-1
Cassel 32012 - 1 (1)2012 - 5 (5)5concussion1-4
Brady Quinn2012 - 6 (6)2012 - 8 (7)2concussion0-2
Cassel 42012 - 9 (8)2012 - 11 (10)3ineffective0-3
Quinn 22012 - 12 (11)2012 - 17 (16)6Chiefs traded with 49ers for Smith;
Quinn signed with Seahawks as free agent
Alex Smith2013 - 1 (1)2013 - 16 (15)15meaningless game (Chiefs had already clinched wild card)11-4
Chase Daniel2013 - 17 (16)2013 - 17 (16)1*0-1
Smith 22013 - WC (17)2014 - 16 (15)16lacerated spleen8-8
Daniel 22014 - 17 (16)2014 - 17 (16)1*1-0
Smith 32015 - 1 (1)2016 - 8 (7)25concussion, lacerated ear17-8
Nick Foles2016 - 9 (8)2016 - 9 (8)1*1-0
Smith 42015 - 10 (9)2016 - 17 (16)8
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Fuller sprained his right knee during the 1981 preseason.

Oakland Raiders (1960-1981) / Los Angeles Raiders (1982-1994) / Oakland Raiders (1995-2016):

Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Tom Flores1960 - 1 (1)1960 - 2 (2)20-2
Babe Parilli1960 - 3 (3)1960 - 4 (4)21-1
Flores 21960 - 5 (5)1961 - 15 (14)24chronic lung infection;
AFL Raiders purchased Heinrich from NFL Cowboys
Don Heinrich1962 - 1 (1)1962 - 1 (1)1ineffective;
Raiders traded with Texans for Davidson
Cotton Davidson1962 - 3 (2)1962 - 12 (11)100-10
Hunter Enis1962 - 13 (12)1962 - 13 (12)1*0-1
Davidson 21962 - 14 (13)1963 - 5 (5)73-4
Flores 31963 - 6 (6)1964 - 5 (5)14ineffective8-6
Davidson 31964 - 6 (6)1964 - 11 (11)63-2-1
Flores 41964 - 12 (12)1964 - 12 (12)10-0-1
Davidson 41964 - 13 (13)1964 - 13 (13)1injured;
injured shoulder in 1965 preseason
Flores 51964 - 15 (14)1965 - 7 (7)85-2-1
Dick Wood1965 - 8 (8)1965 - 10 (10)31-2
Flores 61965 - 11 (11)1965 - 15 (14)4lost 1966 training camp battle3-1
Davidson 51966 - 1 (1)1966 - 4 (4)4ineffective1-3
Flores 71966 - 6 (5)1966 - 15 (14)10traded to Bills for Lamonica7-2-1
Daryle Lamonica1967 - 2 (1)1968 - 9 (8)24muscle spasms in back20-4
George Blanda1968 - 10 (9)1968 - 10 (9)1*1-0
Lamonica 21968 - 11 (10)1971 - 4 (4)43pulled hamstring31-9-3
Ken Stabler1971 - 5 (5)1971 - 5 (5)1*1-0
Lamonica 31971 - 6 (6)1971 - 14 (14)9lost 1972 training camp battle4-3-2
Stabler 21972 - 1 (1)1972 - 1 (1)1ineffective0-1
Lamonica 41972 - 2 (2)1973 - 3 (3)17ineffective (no offensive touchdowns in three games)11-5-1
Stabler 31973 - 4 (4)1974 - 12 (12)25meaningless game/rest (Raiders had clinched division)19-5-1
Larry Lawrence1974 - 13 (13)1974 - 13 (13)1twisted right knee*1-0
Stabler 41974 - 14 (14)1975 - 2 (2)5injured4-1
Lawrence 21975 - 3 (3)1975 - 3 (3)1*1-0
Stabler 51975 - 4 (4)1976 - 2 (2)15strained knee11-4
Mike Rae1976 - 3 (3)1976 - 3 (3)1*1-0
Stabler 61976 - 4 (4)1976 - 13 (13)10meaningless game (Raiders had clinched division)9-1
Rae 21976 - 14 (14)1976 - 14 (14)1*1-0
Stabler 71976 - D (15)1977 - 13 (13)16meaningless game (Raiders had clinched wild card)13-3
Rae 31977 - 14 (14)1977 - 14 (14)1*1-0
Stabler 81977 - D (15)1979 - 16 (16)34Stabler traded to Oilers for Pastorini19-15
Dan Pastorini1980 - 1 (1)1980 - 5 (5)5broken left leg2-3
Jim Plunkett1980 - 6 (6)1981 - 6 (6)21ineffective (three straight shutouts)15-6
Marc Wilson1981 - 7 (7)1981 - 15 (15)9sprained right thumb5-4
Plunkett 21981 - 16 (16)1983 - 7 (7)19ineffective14-5
M. Wilson 21983 - 8 (8)1983 - 10 (10)3broken left shoulder2-1
Plunkett 31983 - 11 (11)1984 - 6 (6)15injured abdominals/hip13-2
M. Wilson 31984 - 7 (7)1984 - 16 (16)10*6-4
Plunkett 41984 - WC (17)1985 - 3 (3)4dislocated left shoulder1-3
M. Wilson 41985 - 4 (4)1986 - 2 (2)16separated right shoulder11-5
Plunkett 51986 - 3 (3)1986 - 3 (3)1*0-1
M. Wilson 51986 - 4 (4)1986 - 5 (5)2sore right thumb2-0
Plunkett 61986 - 6 (6)1986 - 6 (6)1*1-0
M. Wilson 61986 - 7 (7)1986 - 10 (10)4ineffective3-1
Plunkett 71986 - 11 (11)1986 - 16 (16)6torn right rotator cuff2-4
Rusty Hilger1987 - 1 (1)1987 - 2 (2)2strike2-0
Vince Evans1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 6 (5)3*1-2
Hilger 21987 - 7 (6)1987 - 9 (8)3ineffective0-3
M. Wilson 71987 - 10 (9)1987 - 16 (15)7signed with Packers as free agent2-5
Steve Beuerlein1988 - 1 (1)1988 - 3 (3)3Raiders traded for Schroeder after Week 11-2
Jay Schroeder1988 - 4 (4)1988 - 8 (8)5ineffective;
unfamiliar with playbook
Beuerlein 21988 - 9 (9)1988 - 13 (13)5ineffective (4 of 19 Week 13);
strained left shoulder
Schroeder 21988 - 14 (14)1989 - 7 (7)10ineffective4-6
Beuerlein 31989 - 8 (8)1989 - 8 (8)1torn ligament in right knee1-0
Schroeder 31989 - 9 (9)1989 - 10 (10)2*1-1
Beuerlein 41989 - 11 (11)1989 - 16 (16)6held out to start 1990;
signed six days before season
Schroeder 41990 - 1 (1)1991 - 16 (15)33sprained ankles22-11
Todd Marinovich1991 - 17 (16)1991 - WC (17)2*0-2
Schroeder 51992 - 1 (1)1992 - 2 (2)2ineffective; Marinovich 1991 1st rounder0-2
Marinovich 21992 - 3 (3)1992 - 10 (9)7ineffective3-4
Schroeder 61992 - 11 (10)1992 - 17 (16)7Raiders signed Hostetler as free agent;
Schroeder signed with Bengals as free agent
Jeff Hostetler1993 - 1 (1)1993 - 3 (3)3fractured cartilage in throat2-1
Evans 21993 - 5 (4)1993 - 5 (4)1*0-1
Hostetler 21993 - 6 (5)1995 - 7 (7)37broken bone in left hand23-14
Evans 31995 - 8 (8)1995 - 8 (8)1*1-0
Hostetler 31995 - 10 (9)1995 - 12 (11)3bruised left shoulder2-1
Evans 41995 - 13 (12)1995 - 14 (13)2ineffective0-2
Billy Joe Hobert1995 - 15 (14)1995 - 15 (14)1*0-1
Hostetler 41995 - 16 (15)1995 - 16 (15)1injured left shoulder;
injured right knee in 1996 preseason
Hobert 21995 - 17 (16)1996 - 2 (2)3*0-3
Hostetler 51996 - 3 (3)1996 - 16 (15)13concussion;7-6
Hobert 31996 - 17 (16)1996 - 17 (16)1Raiders signed George as free agent;
Hobert traded to Bills
Jeff George1997 - 1 (1)1998 - 5 (5)21torn left groin7-14
Donald Hollas1998 - 6 (6)1998 - 9 (8)3*3-0
George 21998 - 10 (9)1998 - 10 (9)1torn left groin0-1
Hollas 21998 - 11 (10)1998 - 12 (11)2*1-1
George 31998 - 13 (12)1998 - 13 (12)1torn left groin0-1
Hollas 31998 - 14 (13)1998 - 14 (13)1ineffective0-1
Wade Wilson1998 - 15 (14)1998 - 17 (16)3Raiders signed Gannon as free agent1-2
Rich Gannon1999 - 1 (1)2003 - 7 (7)78torn right labrum47-31
Marques Tuiasosopo2003 - 9 (8)2003 - 9 (8)1torn left MCL0-1
Rick Mirer2003 - 10 (9)2003 - 17 (16)8*2-6
Gannon 22004 - 1 (1)2004 - 3 (3)3broken vertebra in neck2-1
Kerry Collins2004 - 4 (4)2005 - 13 (12)25ineffective7-18
Tuiasosopo 22005 - 14 (13)2005 - 14 (13)1ineffective0-1
Collins 22005 - 15 (14)2005 - 17 (16)3released;
Raiders signed Brooks as free agent
Aaron Brooks2006 - 1 (1)2006 - 1 (1)1strained pectoral muscle0-1
Andrew Walter2006 - 2 (2)2006 - 10 (9)8*2-6
Brooks 22006 - 11 (10)2006 - 15 (14)5sore neck0-5
Walter 22006 - 16 (15)2006 - 16 (15)1*0-1
Brooks 32006 - 17 (16)2006 - 17 (16)1option declined;
McCown won 2007 training camp battle
Josh McCown2007 - 1 (1)2007 - 3 (3)3broken toe on left foot1-2
Daunte Culpepper2007 - 4 (4)2007 - 8 (7)4ineffective1-3
McCown 22007 - 9 (8)2007 - 10 (9)2bruised thigh;
Culpepper 22007 - 11 (10)2007 - 12 (11)2sore quadriceps1-1
McCown 32007 - 13 (12)2007 - 16 (15)4ineffective;
Russell drafted #1 overall
JaMarcus Russell2007 - 17 (16)2008 - 9 (8)9tendinitis in right knee2-7
Walter 32008 - 10 (9)2008 - 10 (9)1*0-1
Russell 22008 - 11 (10)2009 - 10 (9)16ineffective5-11
Bruce Gradkowski2009 - 11 (10)2009 - 14 (13)4torn MCLs in both knees2-2
Charlie Frye2009 - 15 (14)2009 - 17 (16)3Raiders traded with Redskins for Campbell1-2
Jason Campbell2010 - 1 (1)2010 - 2 (2)2ineffective1-1
Gradkowski 22010 - 3 (3)2010 - 5 (5)3separated right shoulder1-2
Campbell 22010 - 6 (6)2010 - 11 (10)5ineffective3-2
Gradkowski 32010 - 12 (11)2010 - 12 (11)1separated right shoulder0-1
Campbell 32010 - 13 (12)2011 - 6 (6)11broken collarbone7-4
Kyle Boller2011 - 7 (7)2011 - 7 (7)1Raiders traded with Bengals  for Palmer before Week 70-1
Carson Palmer2011 - 9 (8)2012 - 16 (15)24traded to Cardinals8-16
Terrelle Pryor2012 - 17 (16)2013 - 3 (3)4concussion1-3
Matt Flynn2013 - 4 (4)2013 - 4 (4)1*0-1
Pryor 22013 - 5 (5)2013 - 10 (9)5sprained knee;
Matt McGloin2013 - 11 (10)2013 - 16 (15)6ineffective;
Raiders wanted to evaluate Pryor
Pryor 32013 - 17 (16)2013 - 17 (16)1traded to Seahawks;
Carr drafted in 2nd round
Derek Carr2014 - 1 (1)2016 - 16 (15)47broken right fibula21-26
McGloin 22016 - 17 (16)2016 - 17 (16)1
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Schroeder after being benched: "In Washington, I knew what I was doing.... I really don't know everything I need to know to be able to perform."

Los Angeles Chargers (1960) / San Diego Chargers (1961-2016):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Jack Kemp1960 - 1 (1)1960 - 3 (3)3injured shoulder1-2
Bob Clatterbuck1960 - 4 (4)1960 - 5 (5)2*1-1
Kemp 21960 - 6 (6)1962 - 2 (2)27broken middle finger on right hand;
waived two days later
John Hadl1962 - 3 (3)1962 - 3 (3)1rib separation0-1
Dick Wood1962 - 4 (4)1962 - 5 (5)2*2-0
Hadl 21962 - 6 (6)1962 - 15 (14)9Chargers traded with Bills for Rote1-8
Tobin Rote1963 - 1 (1)1964 - 5 (5)20ineffective14-5-1
Hadl 31964 - 6 (6)1964 - 15 (14)9ineffective6-3
Rote 21964 - C (15)1964 - C (15)1"retired"0-1
Hadl 41965 - 1 (1)1966 - 5 (4)19ineffective113-3-3
Steve Tensi1966 - 6 (5)1966 - 6 (5)1ineffective0-1
Hadl 51966 - 7 (6)1966 - 11 (10)5ineffective1-3-1
Tensi 21966 - 13 (11)1966 - 13 (11)1ineffective0-1
Hadl 61966 - 14 (12)1969 - 8 (8)39sore arm;
ineffective (6 interceptions)
Marty Domres1969 - 9 (9)1969 - 9 (9)1ineffective;
coach Sid Gillman retired
Hadl 71969 - 10 (10)1969 - 10 (10)1ineffective0-1
Domres 21969 - 11 (11)1969 - 13 (13)3jammed finger3-0
Hadl 81969 - 14 (14)1970 - 4 (4)5ineffective1-3-1
Domres 31970 - 5 (5)1970 - 5 (5)1leg cramps1-0
Hadl 91970 - 6 (6)1970 - 11 (11)63-2-1
Domres 41970 - 12 (12)1970 - 12 (12)1ineffective0-1
Hadl 101970 - 13 (13)1972 - 14 (14)30traded to Rams;
Chargers traded with Colts for Unitas
Johnny Unitas1973 - 1 (1)1973 - 4 (4)4ineffective1-3
Dan Fouts1973 - 5 (5)1973 - 8 (8)4ineffective;
coach Harland Svare resigned;
interim coach Ron Waller named Clark starter
Wayne Clark1973 - 9 (9)1973 - 12 (12)4traded to Bengals for Carter1-3
Fouts 21973 - 13 (13)1974 - 11 (11)13broken thumb3-10
Jesse Freitas1974 - 12 (12)1974 - 14 (14)3lost 1975 training camp battle2-1
Virgil Carter1975 - 1 (1)1975 - 1 (1)1ineffective0-1
Fouts 31975 - 2 (2)1975 - 5 (5)4injured ankle0-4
Freitas 21975 - 6 (6)1975 - 6 (6)1*0-1
Fouts 41975 - 7 (7)1975 - 9 (9)3injured knee0-3
Freitas 31975 - 10 (10)1975 - 11 (11)2*0-2
Fouts 51975 - 12 (12)1975 - 13 (13)2concussion/sprained right index finger2-0
Freitas 41975 - 14 (14)1975 - 14 (14)1*0-1
Fouts 61976 - 1 (1)1976 - 12 (12)12ineffective5-7
Clint Longley1976 - 13 (13)1976 - 13 (13)1ineffective1-0
Fouts 71976 - 14 (14)1976 - 14 (14)1held out first nine weeks of 1977 season0-1
James Harris1977 - 1 (1)1977 - 9 (9)9sprained ankle24-5
Cliff Olander1977 - 10 (10)1977 - 10 (10)1*1-0
Fouts 81977 - 11 (11)1978 - 3 (3)7sprained thumb3-4
Harris 21978 - 4 (4)1978 - 4 (4)1*0-1
Fouts 91978 - 5 (5)1978 - 12 (12)8sprained ankle5-3
Harris 31978 - 13 (13)1978 - 13 (13)1*0-1
Fouts 101978 - 14 (14)1983 - 7 (7)74torn right rotator cuff48-26
Ed Luther1983 - 8 (8)1983 - 12 (12)5*1-4
Fouts 111983 - 13 (13)1983 - 15 (15)3injured right shoulder2-1
Luther 21983 - 16 (16)1983 - 16 (16)1*0-1
Fouts 121984 - 1 (1)1984 - 13 (13)13pulled groin/bruised hip6-7
Luther 31984 - 14 (14)1984 - 16 (16)3*1-2
Fouts 131985 - 1 (1)1985 - 4 (4)4torn ligaments in right knee2-2
Mark Herrmann1985 - 5 (5)1985 - 7 (7)3*1-2
Fouts 141985 - 8 (8)1985 - 15 (15)8bruised left knee5-3
Herrmann 21985 - 16 (16)1985 - 16 (16)1*0-1
Fouts 151986 - 1 (1)1986 - 7 (7)7concussion1-6
Herrmann 31986 - 8 (8)1986 - 8 (8)1concussion0-1
Tom Flick1986 - 9 (9)1986 - 10 (10)2*1-1
Fouts 161986 - 11 (11)1986 - 11 (11)1sore right shoulder0-1
Flick 21986 - 12 (12)1986 - 12 (12)1*0-1
Fouts 171986 - 13 (13)1987 - 2 (2)6strike3-3
Rick Neuheisel1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 4 (3)1ineffective1-0
Mike Kelley1987 - 5 (4)1987 - 5 (4)1ineffective1-0
Neuheisel 21987 - 6 (5)1987 - 6 (5)1strike ended*1-0
Fouts 181987 - 7 (6)1987 - 10 (9)4pulled calf muscle4-0
Herrmann 41987 - 11 (10)1987 - 11 (10)1*0-1
Fouts 191987 - 12 (11)1987 - 15 (14)4torn right rotator cuff0-4
Herrmann 51987 - 16 (15)1987 - 16 (15)1traded to Colts0-1
Babe Laufenberg1988 - 1 (1)1988 - 6 (6)6bruised ribs; ineffective2-4
Mark Malone1988 - 7 (7)1988 - 10 (10)4ineffective (team 0-4);
team wanted to develop Vlasic
Mark Vlasic1988 - 11 (11)1988 - 12 (12)2torn left knee ligament2-0
Malone 21988 - 13 (13)1988 - 16 (16)4left as plan B free agent;
Chargers traded with Bears for McMahon
Jim McMahon1989 - 1 (1)1989 - 7 (7)7sprained ankle/dislocated left shoulder;
Billy Joe Tolliver1989 - 8 (8)1989 - 8 (8)1*0-1
McMahon 21989 - 9 (9)1989 - 12 (12)4ineffective;
team wanted to develop Tolliver
Tolliver 21989 - 13 (13)1989 - 16 (16)4lost 1990 training camp battle2-2
Vlasic 21990 - 1 (1)1990 - 1 (1)1ineffective0-1
Tolliver 31990 - 2 (2)1990 - 16 (15)14ineffective6-8
John Friesz1990 - 17 (16)1991 - 17 (16)17torn ligaments in left knee during 1991 preseason4-13
Bob Gagliano1992 - 1 (1)1992 - 1 (1)1ineffective0-1
Stan Humphries1992 - 2 (2)1993 - 5 (4)21bruised right shoulder;
Friesz 21993 - 6 (5)1993 - 12 (10)6ineffective2-4
Humphries 21993 - 13 (11)1994 - 9 (8)14dislocated left elbow11-3
Gale Gilbert1994 - 10 (9)1994 - 10 (9)1*0-1
Humphries 31994 - 11 (10)1995 - 6 (6)16bruised right rotator cuff9-7
Gilbert 21995 - 7 (7)1995 - 7 (7)1*0-1
Humphries 41995 - 8 (8)1996 - 8 (7)17dislocated left shoulder10-7
Sean Salisbury1996 - 9 (8)1996 - 10 (9)2*1-1
Humphries 51996 - 11 (10)1996 - 14 (13)4concussion2-2
Salisbury 21996 - 15 (14)1996 - 15 (14)1*0-1
Humphries 61996 - 16 (15)1997 - 1 (1)3dislocated left shoulder1-2
Jim Everett1997 - 2 (2)1997 - 2 (2)1*1-0
Humphries 71997 - 3 (3)1997 - 10 (9)7concussion3-4
Craig Whelihan1997 - 11 (10)1997 - 17 (16)7Leaf drafted 1998 #2 overall0-7
Ryan Leaf1998 - 1 (1)1998 - 10 (9)9ineffective3-6
Whelihan 21998 - 11 (10)1998 - 17 (16)7Chargers traded with Ravens for Harbaugh;
Whelihan released
Jim Harbaugh1999 - 2 (1)1999 - 4 (3)3cracked ribs/bruised right elbow32-1
Erik Kramer1999 - 5 (4)1999 - 8 (7)4ineffective (lost 34-0)2-2
Harbaugh 21999 - 9 (8)1999 - 17 (16)9lost 2000 training camp battle4-5
Leaf 22000 - 1 (1)2000 - 2 (2)2ineffective0-2
Moses Moreno2000 - 3 (3)2000 - 3 (3)1strained right rotator cuff0-1
Leaf 32000 - 4 (4)2000 - 4 (4)1sprained right wrist0-1
Harbaugh 32000 - 5 (5)2000 - 10 (9)5hernia0-5
Moreno 22000 - 11 (10)2000 - 11 (10)1sprained left knee0-1
Leaf 42000 - 12 (11)2000 - 17 (16)6released;
Chargers signed Flutie as free agent
Doug Flutie2001 - 1 (1)2001 - 16 (16)16lost 2002 training camp battle5-11
Drew Brees2002 - 1 (1)2003 - 9 (8)24ineffective9-15
Flutie 22003 - 10 (9)2003 - 14 (13)5ineffective2-3
Brees 22003 - 15 (14)2004 - 16 (15)18meaningless game (Chargers had already clinched division)12-6
Flutie 32004 - 17 (16)2004 - 17 (16)1*1-0
Brees 32004 - WC (17)2005 - 17 (16)17signed with Saints as free agent9-8
Philip Rivers2006 - 1 (1)2016 - 17 (16)185102-83
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Tensi came in after halftime and threw 4 touchdowns.
2 Backup Bill Munson broke his left left in the same game.
3 Leaf missed the entire 1999 season after offseason surgery to repair a torn labrum in his right shoulder.

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