Friday, January 29, 2016

Georgia Tech 222, Cumberland 0 - A Gamebook

What follows is an NFL-style gamebook for the 222-0 Georgia Tech-Cumberland game that happened 100 years ago this October.

  1. The play-by-play is almost entirely taken from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution game story as seen on this archived page from Cumberland's website.
  2. Unknowns and obvious errors from the original play-by-play:
    • The play-by-play doesn't list the Cumberland player who received the opening kickoff; this 1961 Sports Illustrated story lists Carney as that player.
    • The play-by-play simply states that "[t]hree more Cumberland plays were unsuccessful" on 2nd through 4th downs on Cumberland's first drive of the 3rd quarter. Multiple sources claim that Cumberland had 2 completions on 18 pass attempts for the game; making those plays incompletions would match the claimed statistics for the game.
    • Cumberland's first punt of the game (from their own 28) is given as "Donald punted 20 yards to Preas who returned 18 yards to the Cumberland 20", meaning that 10 yards are missing somewhere.  I have decided to treat that as a 20-yard punt with a 28-yard return.
    • One Cumberland run and fumble is credited to [Unknown].
    • Two Georgia Tech fumble recoveries are credited to [Unknown].
    • The spot and return length of Jim Senter's mid-2nd-quarter interception are unknown.
  3. Composite statistics are entirely taken from the re-created play-by-play.  They are unlikely to exactly match those published elsewhere. 
  4. Georgia Tech ran for just 471 yards in the game, five fewer than they had in their opener against Alcorn State last year.  (The school record is 604, set against Kansas in 2011.)
  5. If the AJC play-by-play is accurate, Cumberland punted on 3rd and 1 from their own 44 early in the 2nd quarter.  (Making this more inexplicable is that they passed on 3rd and 20 from their own 15 the previous drive.)  This was as close as they got both to a first down and to advancing into Georgia Tech territory.
  6. Cumberland chose to kick off after Georgia Tech touchdowns at 28-0, 35-0, 42-0, 56-0, and 154-0.

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

NFL Starting Quarterback Changes, 1950-2016

Wondering whether 2015 had an unusual number of quarterback injuries?  Or why Joe Namath missed so many games?  Or just why the Browns start a random quarterback in Week 17 every year?

The following team charts detail every starting quarterback change in the NFL over the last 67 seasons.
  1. Many pre-1965 teams changed in-game quarterbacks on a frequent basis.  As such, the starter was less important, and the starter could change on the coach's whim, with little to no pre- or post-game explanation.  This pretty much ended by the early 1970s, with the Houston Oilers as perhaps the last holdout.
  2. The number after a quarterback's name indicates the then-current number of stints he had as that team's starter.
  3. "Ineffective" is a catch-all term used to designated non-injury-related poor play that caused the quarterback to be benched.
  4.  "*" designates the normal #1 quarterback regaining his starting spot after returning from injury/rest/suspension/holdout.
  5. Some changes are footnoted, and further details are given underneath the team chart.
  6. Playoff games are included.

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AFC East Starting Quarterback Changes

Buffalo Bills (1960-2016):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Tommy O'Connell1960 - 1 (1)1960 - 4 (4)4ineffective1-3
Johnny Green1960 - 6 (5)1960 - 10 (9)52-3
O'Connell 21960 - 11 (10)1960 - 12 (11)21-0-1
Green 21960 - 13 (12)1960 - 13 (12)11-0
Richie Lucas1960 - 14 (13)1960 - 15 (14)20-2
O'Connell 31961 - 1 (1)1961 - 1 (1)1retired two days after game; 
broken nose, injured chest
Lucas 21961 - 2 (2)1961 - 3 (3)21-1
M.C. Reynolds1961 - 4 (4)1961 - 6 (6)32-1
Warren Rabb1961 - 7 (7)1961 - 8 (8)20-2
Green 31961 - 9 (9)1961 - 9 (9)10-1
Rabb 21961 - 10 (10)1961 - 10 (10)11-0
Green 41961 - 11 (11)1961 - 14 (14)4traded to New York Titans for Dorow2-2
Al Dorow1962 - 1 (1)1962 - 4 (4)4waived0-4
Rabb 31962 - 5 (5)1962 - 11 (11)7ineffective25-1-1
Jack Kemp1962 - 12 (12)1963 - 13 (12)15ineffective7-7-1
Daryle Lamonica1963 - 14 (13)1963 - 15 (14)2ineffective;
Kemp entered Week 15 game in 2nd quarter and led comeback
Kemp 21963 - D (15)1964 - 13 (12)13largely meaningless game
(still needed to beat Patriots following week to win division)
Lamonica 21964 - 14 (13)1964 - 14 (13)1*1-0
Kemp 31964 - 15 (14)1965 - 12 (11)13meaningless game (Bills had clinched division)10-2-1
Lamonica 31965 - 13 (12)1965 - 13 (12)1*1-0
Kemp 41965 - 14 (13)1966 - C (15)18Bills traded Lamonica to Raiders for Flores11-6-1
Tom Flores1967 - 2 (1)1967 - 2 (1)1injured knee/eye problems1-0
Kemp 51967 - 3 (2)1967 - 3 (2)1*0-1
Flores 21967 - 4 (3)1967 - 5 (4)2injured knee/eye problems0-2
Kemp 61967 - 6 (5)1967 - 17 (14)10torn ligaments in right knee in 1968 training camp 33-7
Dan Darragh1968 - 1 (1)1968 - 5 (5)5*1-4
Flores 31968 - 6 (6)1968 - 6 (6)1injured0-0-1
Darragh 21968 - 7 (7)1968 - 7 (7)1injured0-1
Kay Stephenson1968 - 8 (8)1968 - 10 (10)3broken collarbone0-3
Darragh 31968 - 11 (11)1968 - 11 (11)1bruised ribs0-1
Ed Rutkowski1968 - 12 (12)1968 - 14 (14)3released in 1969 preseason;
Harris drafted 1969 8th round
James Harris1969 - 1 (1)1969 - 1 (1)1ineffective0-1
Kemp 71969 - 2 (2)1969 - 7 (7)6Darragh returned from Army reserve duty before Week 7 game2-4
Darragh 41969 - 8 (8)1969 - 9 (9)2separated right shoulder0-2
Kemp 81969 - 10 (10)1969 - 14 (14)5retired to run for Congress2-3
Darragh 51970 - 1 (1)1970 - 2 (2)2ineffective;
1970 2nd rounder Shaw held out most of preseason
Dennis Shaw1970 - 3 (3)1971 - 7 (7)19ineffective3-15-1
Harris 21971 - 8 (8)1971 - 9 (9)2ineffective0-2
Shaw 21971 - 10 (10)1972 - 11 (11)16concussion4-12
Leo Hart1972 - 12 (12)1972 - 12 (12)1*0-1
Shaw 31972 - 13 (13)1972 - 14 (14)2Bills drafted Ferguson in 1973 3rd round1-0-1
Joe Ferguson1973 - 1 (1)1976 - 7 (7)50fractured bones in lower back28-22
Gary Marangi1976 - 8 (8)1976 - 14 (14)7*0-7
Ferguson 21977 - 1 (1)1984 - 4 (4)110sprained right ankle49-61
Joe Dufek1984 - 5 (5)1984 - 6 (6)2*0-2
Ferguson 31984 - 7 (7)1984 - 13 (13)7ineffective1-6
Dufek 21984 - 14 (14)1984 - 16 (16)3Bills traded with Rams for Ferragamo1-2
Vince Ferragamo1985 - 1 (1)1985 - 9 (9)9ineffective1-8
Bruce Mathison1985 - 10 (10)1985 - 16 (16)7Kelly signed after three-year holdout41-6
Jim Kelly1986 - 1 (1)1987 - 2 (2)18strike5-13
Dan Manucci1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 4 (3)1ineffective (lost 47-6)0-1
Willie Totten1987 - 5 (4)1987 - 5 (4)1ineffective;
Bills signed McClure
Brian McClure1987 - 6 (5)1987 - 6 (5)1strike ended1-0
Kelly 21987 - 7 (6)1989 - 5 (5)33separated left shoulder21-12
Frank Reich1989 - 6 (6)1989 - 8 (8)3*3-0
Kelly 31989 - 9 (9)1990 - 15 (14)23sprained knee15-8
Reich 21990 - 16 (15)1990 - 17 (16)2*1-1
Kelly 41990 - D (17)1991 - 16 (15)18meaningless game (Bills had already clinched home field)15-3
Reich 31991 - 17 (16)1991 - 17 (16)1*0-1
Kelly 51991 - D (17)1992 - 17 (16)19sprained knee13-6
Reich 41992 - WC (17)1992 - D (18)2*2-0
Kelly 61992 - C (19)1994 - 15 (14)35sprained left knee22-13
Reich 51994 - 16 (15)1994 - 17 (16)2*0-2
Kelly 71995 - 1 (1)1995 - 16 (15)15meaningless game (Bills had already clinched division)10-5
Todd Collins1995 - 17 (16)1995 - 17 (16)1*0-1
Kelly 81995 - WC (17)1996 - 3 (3)5strained right hamstring3-2
Collins 21996 - 4 (4)1996 - 6 (5)2*2-0
Kelly 91996 - 7 (6)1996 - 13 (12)7sore hamstring5-2
Collins 31996 - 14 (13)1996 - 14 (13)1*0-1
Kelly 101996 - 15 (14)1996 - WC (17)4retired1-3
Collins 41997 - 1 (1)1997 - 9 (8)8ineffective;
Van Pelt led comeback from down 20 points
Alex Van Pelt1997 - 10 (9)1997 - 11 (10)2ineffective1-1
Collins 51997 - 12 (11)1997 - 16 (15)5ineffective1-4
Van Pelt 21997 - 17 (16)1997 - 17 (16)1Bills traded with Jaguars for Johnson0-1
Rob Johnson1998 - 1 (1)1998 - 6 (5)5separated rib cartilage2-3
Doug Flutie1998 - 7 (6)1998 - 16 (15)10meaningless game (Bills had already clinched wild card)7-3
Johnson 21998 - 17 (16)1998 - 17 (16)1*1-0
Flutie 21998 - WC (17)1999 - 16 (15)16meaningless game (Bills had already clinched wild card)510-6
Johnson 31999 - 17 (16)2000 - 7 (6)8separated right shoulder4-4
Flutie 32000 - 8 (7)2000 - 11 (10)4*3-1
Johnson 42000 - 12 (11)2000 - 16 (15)5concussion1-4
Flutie 42000 - 17 (16)2000 - 17 (16)1released*1-0
Johnson 52001 - 1 (1)2001 - 9 (8)8broken collarbone1-7
Van Pelt 32001 - 10 (9)2001 - 17 (16)8Bills traded with Patriots for Bledsoe2-6
Drew Bledsoe2002 - 1 (1)2004 - 17 (16)48released23-25
J.P. Losman2005 - 1 (1)2005 - 4 (4)4ineffective1-3
Kelly Holcomb2005 - 5 (5)2005 - 10 (9)5concussion3-2
Losman 22005 - 11 (10)2005 - 14 (13)4injured right shoulder0-4
Holcomb 22005 - 15 (14)2005 - 17 (16)3*1-2
Losman 32006 - 1 (1)2007 - 3 (3)19sprained left knee7-12
Trent Edwards2007 - 4 (4)2007 - 8 (7)4sprained right wrist3-1
Losman 42007 - 9 (8)2007 - 12 (11)4ineffective2-2
Edwards 22007 - 13 (12)2008 - 13 (12)17injured groin8-9
Losman 52008 - 14 (13)2008 - 15 (14)2*0-2
Edwards 32008 - 16 (15)2009 - 6 (6)8concussion3-5
Ryan Fitzpatrick2009 - 7 (7)2009 - 8 (8)2*1-1
Edwards 42009 - 10 (9)2009 - 10 (9)1ineffective0-1
Fitzpatrick 22009 - 11 (10)2009 - 15 (14)5injured ankle;
Edwards injured ankle as backup Week 15
Brian Brohm2009 - 16 (15)2009 - 16 (15)1*0-1
Fitzpatrick 32009 - 17 (16)2009 - 17 (16)1lost 2010 training camp battle1-0
Edwards 52010 - 1 (1)2010 - 2 (2)2ineffective0-2
Fitzpatrick 42010 - 3 (3)2010 - 16 (15)13injured right knee4-9
Brohm 22010 - 17 (16)2010 - 17 (16)1*0-1
Fitzpatrick 52011 - 1 (1)2012 - 17 (16)32released;
Bills drafted Manuel 2013 1st round
EJ Manuel2013 - 1 (1)2013 - 5 (5)5sprained right LCL2-3
Thaddeus Lewis2013 - 6 (6)2013 - 8 (8)3bruised ribs1-2
Jeff Tuel2013 - 9 (9)2013 - 9 (9)1*0-1
Manuel 22013 - 10 (10)2013 - 15 (14)5sprained left LCL2-3
Lewis 22013 - 16 (15)2013 - 17 (16)2*1-1
Manuel 32014 - 1 (1)2014 - 4 (4)4ineffective2-2
Kyle Orton2014 - 5 (5)2014 - 17 (16)12retired7-5
Matt Cassel2015 - 1 (1)2015 - 1 (1)1lost 2015 training camp battle61-0
Tyrod Taylor2015 - 2 (2)2015 - 5 (5)4sprained MCL in left knee2-2
Manuel 42015 - 6 (6)2015 - 7 (7)2*0-2
Taylor 22015 - 9 (8)2016 - 16 (15)24coach Rex Ryan fired;
injured groin
Manuel 52016 - 17 (16)2016 - 17 (16)1
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Green separated his shoulder during the 1961 preseason.
2 Kemp, recovering from a broken middle finger on his right hand, was claimed off waivers from the Chargers after Week 6.
3 Bills coach Joe Collier, angry over a 37-7 exhibition loss to Oilers, first fined every member of the team, then held a closed-to-the-media full contact scrimmage on Monday.  Both Kemp and RB Gary McDermott were seriously injured in the scrimmage.  Collier was fired two games into the season.
4 The Bills drafted Kelly in the first round in 1983, but he chose to sign with the USFL Houston Gamblers instead.  The USFL folded in July 1986; Kelly signed with the Bills in August.
5 Bills coach Wade Phillips inexplicably decided to keep Johnson as the starter for the Wild Card game against the Titans.
6 Cassel played the first snap at QB with Taylor split out at WR, then went to the bench for the rest of the game.

Miami Dolphins (1966-2016):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Dick Wood1966 - 1 (1)1966 - 1 (1)1ineffective0-1
Rick Norton1966 - 2 (2)1966 - 3 (3)2ineffective0-2
George Wilson1966 - 5 (4)1966 - 12 (10)7injured shoulder12-5
Wood 21966 - 13 (11)1966 - 15 (13)3sore arm0-3
John Stofa1966 - 16 (14)1967 - 3 (1)2broken right ankle2-0
Bob Griese1967 - 4 (2)1967 - 5 (3)2injured shoulder0-2
Norton 21967 - 6 (4)1967 - 8 (6)3*0-3
Bob Griese 21967 - 10 (7)1968 - 14 (13)21bruised knee8-12-1
Norton 31968 - 15 (14)1968 - 15 (14)1*0-1
Bob Griese 31969 - 1 (1)1969 - 9 (9)9injured right knee2-6-1
Norton 41969 - 10 (10)1969 - 14 (14)5*1-4
Bob Griese 41970 - 1 (1)1971 - 8 (8)23stomach virus16-6-1
George Mira1971 - 9 (9)1971 - 9 (9)1*1-0
Bob Griese 51971 - 10 (10)1972 - 5 (5)13broken right leg/dislocated right ankle10-3
Earl Morrall1972 - 6 (6)1972 - C (16)11*11-0
Bob Griese 61972 - SB (17)1973 - 12 (12)13meaningless game (Dolphins had already clinched division)12-1
Morrall 21973 - 13 (13)1973 - 13 (13)1*0-1
Bob Griese 71973 - 14 (14)1974 - 13 (13)17meaningless game (Dolphins had already clinched division)14-3
Morrall 31974 - 14 (14)1974 - 14 (14)1*1-0
Bob Griese 81974 - D (15)1975 - 10 (10)11torn tendons in right big toe7-4
Morrall 41975 - 11 (11)1975 - 11 (11)1partially torn ligament in left knee1-0
Don Strock1975 - 12 (12)1975 - 14 (14)3*2-1
Bob Griese 91976 - 1 (1)1976 - 12 (12)12meaningless game (Dolphins already eliminated)5-7
Strock 21976 - 13 (13)1976 - 13 (13)1*1-0
Bob Griese 101976 - 14 (14)1977 - 14 (14)15partially torn ligament in left knee in 1978 preseason10-5
Strock 31978 - 1 (1)1978 - 7 (7)7*5-2
Bob Griese 111978 - 8 (8)1979 - 3 (3)13pulled hamstring9-4
Strock 41979 - 4 (4)1979 - 4 (4)1sprained ankle/knee*1-0
Bob Griese 121979 - 5 (5)1979 - 12 (12)8ineffective3-5
Strock 51979 - 13 (13)1979 - 14 (14)2ineffective2-0
Bob Griese 131979 - 15 (15)1979 - 15 (15)1meaningless game (Dolphins had already clinched division)1-0
Strock 61979 - 16 (16)1979 - 16 (16)1*0-1
Bob Griese 141979 - D (17)1980 - 2 (2)3ineffective1-2
Strock 71980 - 3 (3)1980 - 3 (3)1ineffective1-0
David Woodley1980 - 4 (4)1980 - 4 (4)1ineffective1-0
Bob Griese 151980 - 5 (5)1980 - 5 (5)1injured shoulder0-1
Strock 81980 - 6 (6)1980 - 6 (6)1*0-1
Woodley 21980 - 7 (7)1981 - 5 (5)15broken rib9-5-1
Strock 91981 - 6 (6)1981 - 6 (6)1*0-1
Woodley 31981 - 7 (7)1983 - 5 (5)29ineffective20-9
Dan Marino1983 - 6 (6)1983 - 14 (14)9sprained left knee7-2
Strock 101983 - 15 (15)1983 - 16 (16)2*2-0
Marino 21983 - D (17)1987 - 2 (2)56strike38-18
Kyle Mackey1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 6 (5)3strike ended1-2
Marino 31987 - 7 (6)1993 - 6 (5)99torn right Achilles57-42
Scott Mitchell1993 - 8 (6)1993 - 11 (9)4dislocated left (throwing) shoulder3-1
Steve DeBerg1993 - 12 (10)1993 - 15 (13)4*2-2
Mitchell 21993 - 16 (14)1993 - 18 (16)3*0-3
Marino 41994 - 1 (1)1995 - 6 (5)23torn cartilage in right knee/bruised left hip15-8
Bernie Kosar1995 - 7 (6)1995 - 8 (7)2*0-2
Marino 51995 - 9 (8)1996 - 4 (4)14slight fracture in right ankle8-6
Craig Erickson1996 - 6 (5)1996 - 8 (7)3*1-2
Marino 61996 - 9 (8)1999 - 6 (5)49weakness in neck/shoulder muscle28-21
Damon Huard1999 - 7 (6)1999 - 11 (10)5*4-1
Marino 71999 - 12 (11)1999 - D (18)8retired2-6
Jay Fiedler2000 - 1 (1)2000 - 12 (11)11pinched nerve in neck8-3
Huard 22000 - 13 (12)2000 - 13 (12)1*1-0
Fiedler 22000 - 14 (13)2002 - 6 (6)29broken right thumb19-10
Ray Lucas2002 - 7 (7)2002 - 13 (12)6*2-4
Fiedler 32002 - 14 (13)2003 - 7 (6)10sprained left knee6-4
Brian Griese2003 - 8 (7)2003 - 12 (11)5ineffective3-2
Fiedler 42003 - 13 (12)2004 - 1 (1)6ineffective3-3
A.J. Feeley2004 - 2 (2)2004 - 3 (3)2ineffective0-2
Fiedler 52004 - 4 (4)2004 - 9 (9)6ineffective1-5
Feeley 22004 - 11 (10)2004 - 16 (15)6injured ribs;
Fiedler injured neck in relief Week 11
Sage Rosenfels2004 - 17 (16)2004 - 17 (16)1Dolphins signed Frerotte as free agent0-1
Gus Frerotte2005 - 1 (1)2005 - 10 (9)9sprained right index finger3-6
Rosenfels 22005 - 11 (10)2005 - 11 (10)1*0-1
Frerotte 22005 - 12 (11)2005 - 17 (16)6released;
Dolphins signed Culpepper as free agent
Daunte Culpepper2006 - 1 (1)2006 - 4 (4)4bruised shoulder/sore knee1-3
Joey Harrington2006 - 5 (5)2006 - 16 (15)11ineffective5-6
Cleo Lemon2006 - 17 (16)2006 - 17 (16)1Dolphins traded with Chiefs for Green in June0-1
Trent Green2007 - 1 (1)2007 - 5 (5)5concussion0-5
Lemon 22007 - 6 (6)2007 - 10 (9)4ineffective0-4
John Beck2007 - 11 (10)2007 - 14 (13)4ineffective0-4
Lemon 32007 - 15 (14)2007 - 17 (16)3signed as free agent with Jaguars;
Dolphins signed Pennington in August after released by Jets
Chad Pennington2008 - 1 (1)2009 - 3 (3)20torn capsule in right shoulder11-9
Chad Henne2009 - 4 (4)2010 - 9 (8)21ineffective11-10
Pennington 22010 - 10 (9)2010 - 10 (9)1dislocated right shoulder1-0
Henne 22010 - 11 (10)2011 - 4 (4)11separated left shoulder2-9
Matt Moore2011 - 6 (5)2011 - 17 (16)12Tannehill drafted 2012 #8 overall6-6
Ryan Tannehill2012 - 1 (1)2016 - 14 (13)77sprained ACL and MCL in left knee37-40
Moore 22016 - 15 (14)2016 - 17 (16)3
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Wilson was the son of Dolphins head coach George Wilson Sr.  This did not stop the Dolphins from trading him to the Broncos the following season.

Boston Patriots (1960-1970) / New England Patriots (1971-2016):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Butch Songin1960 - 1 (1)1960 - 15 (14)14Patriots traded with Raiders for Parilli5-9
Babe Parilli1961 - 1 (1)1961 - 2 (2)2
Songin 21961 - 3 (3)1961 - 6 (6)4
Parilli 21961 - 7 (7)1961 - 8 (8)2
Songin 31961 - 9 (9)1961 - 9 (9)1
Parilli 31961 - 10 (10)1961 - 11 (11)2
Songin 41961 - 13 (12)1961 - 13 (12)1
Parilli 41961 - 14 (13)1962 - 11 (10)12broken left collarbone8-3-1
Tom Yewcic1962 - 12 (11)1962 - 15 (14)4*3-1
Parilli 51963 - 1 (1)1963 - 3 (3)3pinched nerve2-1
Yewcic 21963 - 4 (4)1963 - 4 (4)1*0-1
Parilli 61963 - 5 (5)1967 - 11 (10)64ineffective31-26-7
Don Trull1967 - 12 (11)1967 - 15 (13)30-3
Parilli 71967 - 16 (14)1967 - 16 (14)1traded to Jets for Taliaferro0-1
Mike Taliaferro1968 - 1 (1)1968 - 8 (7)7tendinitis in right arm3-4
Tom Sherman1968 - 9 (8)1968 - 15 (14)7*1-6
Taliaferro 21969 - 1 (1)1970 - 4 (4)18ineffective;
Kapp signed with Patriots two weeks earlier
Joe Kapp1970 - 5 (5)1970 - 14 (14)10left 1971 training camp in contract dispute;
Plunkett drafted #1 overall
Jim Plunkett1971 - 1 (1)1974 - 14 (14)56separated left shoulder in 1975 preseason21-35
Neil Graff1975 - 1 (1)1975 - 2 (2)2*0-2
Plunkett 21975 - 3 (3)1975 - 6 (6)4separated left shoulder2-2
Steve Grogan1975 - 7 (7)1975 - 8 (8)2*1-1
Plunkett 31975 - 9 (9)1975 - 9 (9)1swollen right knee0-1
Grogan 21975 - 10 (10)1980 - 11 (11)78sore knees47-31
Matt Cavanaugh1980 - 12 (12)1980 - 12 (12)1*1-0
Grogan 31980 - 13 (13)1980 - 13 (13)1sore knees0-1
Cavanaugh 21980 - 14 (14)1980 - 16 (16)3*2-1
Grogan 41981 - 1 (1)1981 - 2 (2)2pinched nerve in neck0-2
Cavanaugh 31981 - 3 (3)1981 - 6 (6)4ineffective1-3
Grogan 51981 - 7 (7)1981 - 11 (11)5strained knee1-4
Cavanaugh 41981 - 12 (12)1981 - 15 (15)4meaningless game30-4
Tom Owen1981 - 16 (16)1981 - 16 (16)1traded to Redskins in August 1982;
Cavanaugh won 1982 training camp battle against Grogan
Cavanaugh 51982 - 1 (1)1982 - 11 (3)3ineffective1-2
Grogan 61982 - 12 (4)1983 - 12 (12)19hairline fracture in left leg10-9
Tony Eason1983 - 13 (13)1983 - 16 (16)4*2-2
Grogan 71984 - 1 (1)1984 - 3 (3)3ineffective2-1
Eason 21984 - 4 (4)1985 - 6 (6)19separated left shoulder10-9
Grogan 81985 - 7 (7)1985 - 12 (12)6broken leg/strained knee5-1
Eason 31985 - 13 (13)1986 - 5 (5)13bruised ribs9-4
Grogan 91986 - 6 (6)1986 - 7 (7)2*1-1
Eason 41986 - 8 (8)1986 - D (17)10injured groin in 1987 preseason7-3
Grogan 101987 - 1 (1)1987 - 1 (1)1neck cramps1-0
Eason 51987 - 2 (2)1987 - 2 (2)1strike0-1
Bob Bleier1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 5 (4)2Patriots traded with Bears for Flutie five days earlier1-1
Doug Flutie1987 - 6 (5)1987 - 6 (5)1strike ended1-0
Eason 61987 - 7 (6)1987 - 7 (6)1*0-1
Grogan 111987 - 8 (7)1987 - 10 (9)3separated left shoulder1-2
Tom Ramsey1987 - 11 (10)1987 - 13 (12)3*1-2
Grogan 121987 - 14 (13)1988 - 4 (4)7ineffective (10 interceptions in first four games of 1988);
demoted to third-string
Ramsey 21988 - 5 (5)1988 - 5 (5)1ineffective1-0
Flutie 21988 - 6 (6)1988 - 14 (14)9ineffective;
Eason healthy enough to start
Eason 71988 - 15 (15)1989 - 3 (3)5ineffective2-3
Flutie 31989 - 4 (4)1989 - 6 (6)3ineffective1-2
Grogan 131989 - 7 (7)1989 - 12 (12)6ineffective;
team out of playoff race
Marc Wilson1989 - 13 (13)1989 - 16 (16)4lost 1990 training camp battle1-3
Grogan 141990 - 1 (1)1990 - 2 (2)2stiff neck1-1
Wilson 21990 - 3 (3)1990 - 7 (6)4*0-4
Grogan 151990 - 8 (7)1990 - 9 (8)2pinched nerve in neck0-2
Wilson 31990 - 10 (9)1990 - 11 (10)2ineffective0-2
Tom Hodson1990 - 12 (11)1991 - 3 (3)9ineffective1-8
Hugh Millen1991 - 4 (4)1992 - 6 (5)18separated left shoulder/sprained left knee5-13
Hodson 21992 - 7 (6)1992 - 7 (6)1*0-1
Millen 21992 - 8 (7)1992 - 8 (7)1separated left shoulder0-1
Hodson 31992 - 9 (8)1992 - 10 (9)2fractured right thumb0-2
Scott Zolak1992 - 11 (10)1992 - 13 (12)3*2-1
Millen 31992 - 14 (13)1992 - 14 (13)1strained left shoulder0-1
Zolak 21992 - 15 (14)1992 - 15 (14)1sprained ankle0-1
Jeff Carlson1992 - 16 (15)1992 - 17 (16)2Patriots drafted Bledsoe #1 overall0-2
Drew Bledsoe1993 - 1 (1)1993 - 6 (5)5sprained left MCL1-4
Scott Secules1993 - 7 (6)1993 - 10 (9)4*0-4
Bledsoe 21993 - 12 (10)1995 - 3 (3)27separated left shoulder15-12
Zolak 31995 - 5 (4)1995 - 5 (4)1*0-1
Bledsoe 31995 - 6 (5)1998 - 15 (14)63broken right index finger37-26
Zolak 41998 - 16 (15)1998 - WC (17)3*1-2
Bledsoe 41999 - 1 (1)2001 - 2 (2)34ruptured spleen13-21
Tom Brady2001 - 3 (3)2008 - 1 (1)128torn left ACL/MCL101-27
Matt Cassel2008 - 2 (2)2008 - 17 (16)15*10-5
Brady 22009 - 1 (1)2015 - C (18)126suspended 4 games for role in Deflategate scandal93-33
Jimmy Garoppolo2016 - 1 (1)2016 - 2 (2)2sprained right shoulder2-0
Jacoby Brissett2016 - 3 (3)2016 - 4 (4)2*1-1
Brady 32016 - 5 (5)2016 - 17 (16)12
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 The 1961 Patriots had no set starting quarterback; by midseason, they were alternating Parilli and Songin on every play.
2 Kapp originally signed what was termed a "memo agreement" spanning 3 years, $600,000 in 1970.  When he refused to sign a standard NFL contract for the 1971 season, NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle ruled him ineligble and had him forced out of training camp.  Kapp, who never played another NFL game, filed a breach-of-contract and antitrust lawsuit in 1972 against the NFL.  He lost on all counts.
3 The "Toilet Bowl" pitted the 1-14 Colts against the 2-13 Patriots, with the loser getting the first pick in the 1982 draft.
4 Flutie led a comeback in relief Week 5 against the Colts. The Patriots used an increasingly Tebowesque offense over the next nine weeks, culminating in a 55 rush/10 pass game against the Seahawks.

New York Titans (1960-1962) / New York Jets (1963-2015):
Name stintTenure [Year - Week (Game)]
Starting QBFirst StartLast StartGSReason for Change From*Record
Dick Jamieson1960 - 1 (1)1960 - 1 (1)1ineffective1-0
Al Dorow1960 - 2 (2)1961 - 15 (14)27traded to Bills during 1962 training camp;
team traded with Patriots for Songin
Butch Songin1962 - 1 (1)1962 - 1 (1)1ineffective1-0
Lee Grosscup1962 - 2 (2)1962 - 4 (4)3injured left knee1-2
Songin 21962 - 5 (5)1962 - 5 (5)1*0-1
Grosscup 21962 - 6 (6)1962 - 6 (6)1injured left knee0-1
Johnny Green1962 - 7 (7)1962 - 15 (14)8Wood signed week before 1963 opener3-5
Dick Wood1963 - 1 (1)1963 - 13 (11)11injured knees5-5-1
Galen Hall1963 - 14 (12)1963 - 16 (14)3*0-3
Wood 21964 - 1 (1)1964 - 14 (13)13injured5-7-1
Pete Liske1964 - 15 (14)1964 - 15 (14)1traded to Bills during 1965 training camp0-1
Mike Taliaferro1965 - 1 (1)1965 - 2 (2)2star rookie with $400,000 contract0-2
Joe Namath1965 - 3 (3)1965 - 6 (5)3ineffective0-2-1
Taliaferro 21965 - 7 (6)1965 - 9 (8)3*2-1
Namath 21965 - 10 (9)1970 - 5 (5)70broken bone in right wrist;
injured left knee in 1971 preseason
Al Woodall1970 - 6 (6)1971 - 4 (4)13ineffective4-9
Bob Davis1971 - 5 (5)1971 - 11 (11)7*3-4
Namath 31971 - 12 (12)1972 - 13 (13)16eliminated from playoffs previous week;
injured ankles
Davis 21972 - 14 (14)1972 - 14 (14)1*0-1
Namath 41973 - 1 (1)1973 - 2 (2)2separated right shoulder1-1
Woodall 21973 - 3 (3)1973 - 4 (4)2sprained left knee0-2
Bill Demory1973 - 5 (5)1973 - 7 (7)3*1-2
Woodall 31973 - 8 (8)1973 - 10 (10)3*1-2
Namath 51973 - 11 (11)1973 - 12 (12)2sore right knee1-1
Woodall 41973 - 13 (13)1973 - 13 (13)1*0-1
Namath 61973 - 14 (14)1975 - 12 (12)27benched for first drive for missing 11 pm curfew10-17
J.J. Jones1975 - 13 (13)1975 - 13 (13)1*0-1
Namath 71975 - 14 (14)1976 - 7 (7)8swollen right knee;
ineffective in Lou Holtz's offense
Richard Todd1976 - 8 (8)1976 - 13 (13)6Holtz quit before final game of season2-4
Namath 81976 - 14 (14)1976 - 14 (14)1waived0-1
Todd 21977 - 1 (1)1977 - 8 (8)8sprained right knee2-6
Marty Domres1977 - 9 (9)1977 - 10 (10)2ineffective0-2
Matt Robinson1977 - 11 (11)1977 - 11 (11)1*0-1
Todd 31977 - 12 (12)1978 - 4 (4)7broken left collarbone3-4
Robinson 21978 - 5 (5)1978 - 11 (11)7*4-3
Todd 41978 - 12 (12)1978 - 12 (12)1broken left collarbone0-1
Robinson 31978 - 13 (13)1979 - 1 (1)5sprained right thumb 12-3
Todd 51979 - 2 (2)1983 - 16 (16)76traded to Saints in 1984 offseason37-38-1
Pat Ryan1984 - 1 (1)1984 - 11 (11)11concussion; damaged ribs6-5
Ken O'Brien1984 - 12 (12)1986 - 5 (5)27chipped bone in right knee16-11
Ryan 21986 - 6 (6)1986 - 7 (7)2*2-0
O'Brien 21986 - 8 (8)1986 - 16 (16)9ineffective4-5
Ryan 31986 - WC (17)1986 - D (18)2*1-1
O'Brien 31987 - 1 (1)1987 - 2 (2)2strike2-0
David Norrie1987 - 4 (3)1987 - 5 (4)2Ryan crossed picket line a week early0-2
Ryan 41987 - 6 (5)1987 - 6 (5)1*1-0
O'Brien 41987 - 7 (6)1988 - 11 (11)21ineffective8-12-1
Ryan 51988 - 12 (12)1988 - 15 (15)4sore left shoulder22-2
O'Brien 51988 - 16 (16)1989 - 5 (5)6ineffective2-4
Kyle Mackey1989 - 6 (6)1989 - 6 (6)1infected elbow;
O'Brien 61989 - 7 (7)1989 - 13 (13)7concussion;
injured right shoulder
Ryan 61989 - 14 (14)1989 - 14 (14)1concussion0-1
Tony Eason1989 - 15 (15)1989 - 16 (16)2*0-2
O'Brien 71990 - 1 (1)1991 - WC (17)33ineffective;
Nagle 1991 2nd rounder
Browning Nagle1992 - 1 (1)1992 - 2 (2)2bruised index finger on right hand0-2
O'Brien 81992 - 3 (3)1992 - 3 (3)1*0-1
Nagle 21992 - 4 (4)1992 - 8 (7)4sprained left foot1-3
O'Brien 91992 - 9 (8)1992 - 9 (8)1*1-0
Nagle 31992 - 10 (9)1992 - 12 (11)3ineffective1-2
O'Brien 101992 - 13 (12)1992 - 13 (12)1strained ligaments and chip fracture in right thumb0-1
Nagle 41992 - 14 (13)1992 - 17 (16)4Jets traded with Bengals for Esiason1-3
Boomer Esiason1993 - 1 (1)1994 - 4 (4)20sprained left ankle10-10
Jack Trudeau1994 - 5 (5)1994 - 6 (6)2*1-1
Esiason 21994 - 7 (7)1995 - 6 (6)16concussion34-12
Bubby Brister1995 - 7 (7)1995 - 10 (10)4*1-3
Esiason 31995 - 12 (11)1995 - 17 (16)6Jets signed O'Donnell as free agent;
Esiason signed as free agent with Cardinals
Neil O'Donnell1996 - 1 (1)1996 - 6 (6)6separated right shoulder;
strained calf in warmups Week 14
Frank Reich1996 - 7 (7)1996 - 14 (13)7ineffective1-6
Glenn Foley1996 - 15 (14)1996 - 17 (16)3*0-3
O'Donnell 21997 - 1 (1)1997 - 10 (9)9ineffective6-3
Foley 21997 - 11 (10)1997 - 12 (11)2sprained left MCL1-1
O'Donnell 31997 - 13 (12)1997 - 17 (16)5waived before 1998 preseason2-3
Foley 31998 - 1 (1)1998 - 2 (2)2torn rib cartilage0-2
Vinny Testaverde1998 - 3 (3)1998 - 5 (4)2*2-0
Foley 41998 - 6 (5)1998 - 6 (5)1ineffective0-1
Testaverde 21998 - 7 (6)1999 - 1 (1)14ruptured left Achilles11-3
Rick Mirer1999 - 2 (2)1999 - 5 (5)4ineffective1-3
Ray Lucas1999 - 6 (6)1999 - 6 (6)1sprained left ankle0-1
Mirer 21999 - 7 (7)1999 - 9 (8)2*1-1
Lucas 21999 - 10 (9)1999 - 17 (16)8*6-2
Testaverde 32000 - 1 (1)2002 - 4 (4)37ineffective20-17
Chad Pennington2002 - 5 (5)2002 - D (18)14fractured and dislocated left wrist in 2003 preseason9-5
Testaverde 42003 - 1 (1)2003 - 8 (7)7*2-5
Pennington 22003 - 9 (8)2004 - 9 (8)17strained rotator cuff in right shoulder10-7
Quincy Carter2004 - 10 (9)2004 - 12 (11)3*2-1
Pennington 32004 - 13 (12)2005 - 3 (3)10torn rotator cuff in right shoulder;
backup Jay Fiedler injured shoulder in same game
Brooks Bollinger2005 - 4 (4)2005 - 4 (4)1ineffective0-1
Testaverde 52005 - 5 (5)2005 - 9 (8)4ineffective1-3
Bollinger 22005 - 10 (9)2005 - 17 (16)8*2-6
Pennington 42006 - 1 (1)2007 - 1 (1)18high ankle sprain10-8
Kellen Clemens2007 - 2 (2)2007 - 2 (2)1*0-1
Pennington 52007 - 3 (3)2007 - 8 (8)6ineffective1-5
Clemens 22007 - 9 (9)2007 - 15 (14)6rib and shoulder injuries2-4
Pennington 62007 - 16 (15)2007 - 16 (15)1*0-1
Clemens 32007 - 17 (16)2007 - 17 (16)1Jets traded for Favre during 2008 training camp1-0
Brett Favre2008 - 1 (1)2008 - 17 (16)16"retired";
traded to Vikings
Mark Sanchez2009 - 1 (1)2009 - 13 (12)12sprained right PCL6-6
Clemens 42009 - 14 (13)2009 - 14 (13)1*1-0
Sanchez 22009 - 15 (14)2012 - 15 (14)55ineffective31-24
Greg McElroy2012 - 16 (15)2012 - 16 (15)1concussion0-1
Sanchez 32012 - 17 (16)2012 - 17 (16)1torn labrum in right shoulder in 2013 preseason0-1
Geno Smith2013 - 1 (1)2014 - 8 (8)24ineffective9-15
Michael Vick2014 - 9 (9)2014 - 12 (11)3ineffective1-2
Smith 22014 - 13 (12)2014 - 17 (16)5broken jaw in 2015 training camp42-3
Ryan Fitzpatrick2015 - 1 (1)2016 - 6 (6)22ineffective11-11
Smith 32016 - 7 (7)2016 - 7 (7)1torn ACL in right knee1-0
Fitzpatrick 22016 - 8 (8)2016 - 9 (9)2sprained left knee1-1
Bryce Petty2016 - 10 (10)2016 - 10 (10)1*0-1
Fitzpatrick 32016 - 12 (11)2016 - 13 (12)2ineffective0-2
Petty 22016 - 14 (13)2016 - 16 (15)3torn labrum in left shoulder1-2
Fitzpatrick 42016 - 17 (16)2016 - 17 (16)11-2
* Normal starter returned from injury/rest.
1 Robinson injured his thumb shortly before the season opener while play-wrestling with a teammate.  He then compounded the problem by a) not telling coach Walt Michaels until a day or two before the game, when it was too late to get the backup QB ready; b) lying to Michaels and the media that he hurt his thumb while trying to turn a doorknob just as someone was entering fromthe other side; and c) throwing a wobbly interception with 30 seconds left in overtime, turning a tie into a loss.  Robinson never took another snap with the Jets and was traded to the Broncos a month after the season ended.
2 Ryan was concussed during the first half of the Week 13 game against the Dolphins, but was not replaced until the middle of the third quarter. The Jets team doctor was the infamous Elliot Pellman.
3 Esiason was concussed after Bruce Smith ran past false-starting Jets' left tackle Everett McIver.  No whistle was blown.
4 Smith's jaw was broken when teammate IK Enemkpali punched him in a locker-room dispute over unrepaid debt.  The Jets immediately released Enemkpali.

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